Jeff Quartermaine

CEO Perseus Mining

Mr Jeff Quartermaine has more than 25 years’ experience in senior financial and strategic management roles with ASX and TSX-listed resources companies. Mr Quartermaine is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) who holds both business management (MBA) and engineering qualifications (BE).

As Perseus’ Chief Financial Officer from 2010 to 2013, Mr Quartermaine was a significant contributor to the team advancing Perseus’s Edikan Gold Project in Ghana to production, and preparing the SissinguĂ© Gold Project, CĂ´te d’Ivoire, for a development decision.

Mr Quartermaine was appointed Managing Director in January 2013.

Mining Indaba Virtual Agenda Sessions

Gold Spotlight: The Rise & Rise of Gold in the Pandemic

Moderated by 

  • Global economic impact of Covid-19 and gold demand
  • Effect on geopolitical relationships and lower global growth
  • Exploring the changes in gold production and trading prompted by the global pandemic

Wednesday 03 February 15:00 - 16:00 Room 1

Add to calendar 02/03/2021 15:00 02/03/2021 16:00 Gold Spotlight: The Rise & Rise of Gold in the Pandemic Moderated by 
  • Global economic impact of Covid-19 and gold demand
  • Effect on geopolitical relationships and lower global growth
  • Exploring the changes in gold production and trading prompted by the global pandemic