Virtual Investment Programme

A two-day programme of highly targeted and optimised investment meetings

30-31 March 2021

ImageRoundtables certified by:  

Deal making has always been the key to our event. It’s why we’re trusted by the most high-profile investors and senior mining executives in the sector. This year, you didn't need to attend in person to gain access to our elite network of dealmakers.

The launch Virtual Investment Programme delivered the highest quality meetings because every participant and project was personally verified and carefully researched by IR experts. We know your time is precious, so our experts only matched projects and investors that fulfilled each participants criteria entirely. And whilst some platforms are motivated by increasing their meetings statistics, we were motivated by connecting you to the right people.

As a participant, it’s not only our unrivalled network to which participants gained access to. Highly exclusive, CPD certified analyst-led roundtables with Nedbank CIB and Investec CIB were available to watch, plus the famous Investment Battlefield took place throughout March and the final took place during the programme.

With leading industry names at our fingertips and content that delivered unmatched insights, the Mining Indaba Virtual Investment Programme was the only programme you needed for deal making in 2021.

  2021 Attendance Options

Mining Companies


Bankers & Brokers

  • Personalised concierge business networking service to broker highly targeted and optimised meetings with investors and financiers
  • Access corporate development teams from junior, mid-tier and major mining companies not widely available on other platforms
  • Direct access to corporate development teams from majors, mid-tiers and juniors not widely available on other platforms
  • Direct access to top financiers from across the globe
  • An Investor Relations concierge service to help develop your schedule and maximise the return on your time committed
  • Full access to our enhanced online meeting platform with an easy-to-use filtering system to request one-on-one meetings directly
  • Exposure on our Mining Company Directory, enabling investors to learn about your company ahead of the event
  • Exclusive roundtables discussing pertinent themes
  • Exclusive content designed to provide highly-valuable market intelligence for corporates, investors and deal-makers
  • Full access to our enhanced meeting platform with an easy-to-use filtering system to request one-on-one meetings
  • Our enhanced meeting platform with an easy-to-use filtering system to request one-on-one meetings
  • An online mining company directory with up-to-date corporate and marketing information of participating mining companies
  • Promotion across all our digital channels
  • An online mining company directory with up-to-date corporate and marketing information of every participating mining company
  • Options to maximise your exposure further through sponsorship



Broker Partners

Top level sponsorship is open for those companies wanting to maximise their exposure to our global finance and mining community. As a sponsor, your brand will be seen in the build-up, during and after the event across all digital channels, affirming your position as a leader in the industry.