Attend as an Investor

Virtual Investment Programme, 30-31 March 2021

Attend as an investor  |  Free to attend 

The Virtual Investment Programme is free to attend for investors, analysts and corporate development professionals from majors and mid-tiers seeking investment opportunities. Register now.

As an investor, you'll gain access to:

Personalised concierge service

Our Investor Relations team go above and beyond what other platforms offer to deliver highly targeted and optimised meetings

Most attractive investment opportunities

Access corporate development teams from junior, mid-tier and major mining companies not widely available on other platforms

Easy to use meeting platform

Full access to our enhanced business matchmaking system so you can discover and reach out to new contacts and manage your meeting schedule

CPD certified analyst roundtables

Join Nedbank CIB to discuss the gold landscape and Investec CIB as they analyse copper and new energy materials. Open exclusively to participants of the Programme. 

Mining company directory

Review up-to-date corporate and marketing information on every participating mining company

Return on time

No ineffective meetings – we’ll only connect you to mining companies that meet your investment criteria

Free to attend

Our IR experts and the personalised service you’ll receive

Understanding your investment criteria

Once you’ve joined the Virtual Investment Programme, our Investor Relations team will connect with you to gain further insights into your investment criteria.

Expert understanding of every mining company

The team also diligently researches every mining company, building a detailed profile for each, which you can view on the enhanced meeting platform. We don’t just rely on data captured at the point of registration, we dig deeper.

Highlighly targeted meeting schedule

As well as being able to directly reach out to corporate development teams through the platform, the team will build a highly targeted and carefully curated meeting schedule for you, ensuring each project matches your requirements.

Time to meet

On 30 – 31 March your meetings will take place through our virtual platform. Our team will be on standby to support you in the leadup and throughout the two days to answer any question you have.

Both Kael and Caroline have a wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge in the natural resource financial markets. Over their careers they have built a wide, global network and have deep relationships with investors, management teams, analysts and other mining finance professionals.


Kael O'Sullivan
Director of Investor Relations
[email protected]

Caroline Werner
Investor Relations Manager
[email protected]



12 March 2021

Applications close

Secure your place on the programme with plenty of time for our Investor Relations team to deliver you with compressive meeting schedule. Participants calendars will fill up quickly.


22 March 2021

Matched meetings provided

You’ll receive your personalised meeting schedule of matches. We’re confident you’ll be pleased with our suggestions and to make sure you’re 100% happy we’ll be in touch throughout the matchmaking process.


26 March 2021

Schedule of meetings finalised

Following your feedback, our IR experts will do the final tweaks before presenting you with your finalised meeting plan. Be sure to add them to your diary.


30-31 March 2021

Meetings take place

It’s time to take your virtual meetings. Each meeting is scheduled for 30 minutes and will take place between 8am and 8pm (GMT). Our team will available for support throughout the two days.