Top Projects in Africa Categories

Category Criteria for inclusion
Returns to Shareholders Management teams that have demonstrated or achieved strong economic returns for shareholders for a particular project measured by share price (if single/flagship project for the company), independent valuation and/or multiple.
Successful Application of New Innovation in Exploration, Construction, Operation or Financing
Application of new or innovative use of technology in exploration, construction or operation (e.g. use of drone technology leading to a new deposit discovery) or an innovative financing model raising funds to progress a project.
Generating Shared Value for Communities Projects which have generated significant direct value for local communities whether through infrastructure development, job creation, etc. and where management teams have garnered goodwill with host governments and communities by respecting the environment and achieving social license to operate.
New Frontiers in Exploration Significant discoveries that have led to new projects in previously unexplored/little explored regions or new commodities in established regions through the successful application of new deposit models.
Project Acceleration Management teams demonstrating rapid progress through the various stage of exploration, development and/production and driving a project up the value curve (financing, permits, development of project, technical expertise = processing time, overcoming challenges & minimizing risk).
Project ‘Phoenix’ Management teams that have successfully revitalised a previously closed exploration, development or mining project/operation. Could be through operational success, positive Feasibility Study, applying new technology, infill drilling etc.
Newcomers Management teams of projects where the majority of its members are leading a project for the first time.
Host Country Transformers Projects which have the potential to significantly and positively impact their host countries either through economic outcomes (e.g. royalties, taxes, local skills/industry development) and/or where the mining industry is at an early stage of development.
Local Talent Projects being led by management teams with a significant portion of local African talent who could be based anywhere across the continent.
Top 10 intercepts Management teams who have delivered highest gold equivalent intercepts reported according to JORC/Ni-43 101 code.