Roundtable Discussions On-demand
Please find all session recordings from the Virtual Investment Programme below.
Investec CIB Roundtable
Led by Nkateko Mathonsi, Analyst, Investec CIB
Julian Kettle, Senior Vice President, Vice Chair Metals & Mining, Wood Mackenzie
Denis Sharypin, Director Strategic Marketing, Norilsk Nickel
Jeremy Wrathall, CEO, Cornish Lithium
Ruben Fernades, CEO of Base Metals, Anglo American
Nedbank CIB Roundtable
Led by Arnold Van Graan, Analyst, Nedbank CIB
Neal Froneman, Chief Executive Officer, Sibanye-Stillwater
Christine Ramon, Interim Chief Executive Officer, AngloGold Ashanti
Jeff Quartermaine, Chief Executive Officer, Perseus Gold
Mark Bristow, Chief Executive Officer, Barrick Gold