
Investors and Analysts attend for free

Find your next investment project       Spot emerging risks and opportunities
Spot emerging risks and opportunities Only meet with people and projects that match your investment profile
Spot emerging risks and opportunities Maximise your time - months' worth of meetings in just 4 days
Productive meetings with over 200 Mining CEOs and CFOs Updates from African Mining Minsters and Heads of State



And here's how we connect you...

Personalised Investor Relations Service
Helps you broker meetings with CEO’s and management teams that have projects matching your criteria.
Prefer to manage your own meeting schedule?
Get access to the enhanced Business Matchmaking programme.
The easy filtering & search functions provide targeted matches.
Private meeting space in the Investor Lounge
Now situated next to the Junior Mining Showcase. The new intimate area brings you closer to the hottest emerging mining projects in Africa.
Buy-side round table discussions
Led by prominent analysts, these commodity-focused roundtables allow you to interact directly with CEOs of major and mid-tier mining companies to discuss key issues affecting the sector in a private and intimate setting.
Opportunity to participate in site visits across Africa
Companies ranging from those with emerging projects to large-scale operations choose to hold site visits on the fringes of Mining Indaba each February. 
Free to attend (Subject to checks)
Complimentary Investor/Analyst Delegate passes are reserved solely for investors, financiers and corporate development professionals who's primary function is to invest in/provide funding to mining companies and projects. Unsure if you qualify? Read more.

If you represent a mining corporate looking to raise funds and engage with investors, we can connect you. Contact [email protected] for more information.