Virtual Investment Programme, 30-31 March 2021
Delegate places and title sponsorship for bankers and brokers
Brokers and bankers can attend the Virtual Investment Programme as delegates. You’ll gain full access to our enhanced business matchmaking system, so you can discover new contacts and manage your meeting schedule.
Register now.
As a banker or broker delegate you’ll gain access to:

New mining contacts
Direct access to corporate development teams from majors, mid-tiers and juniors not widely available on other platforms

Top investors
Increase your competitive edge by adding top investors to your contact base that don’t attend any other events

Easy to use meeting platform
Full access to our enhanced business matchmaking system, so you can discover and reach out to new contacts and manage your meeting schedule

Exclusive content
Join expert content sessions discussing the most pertinent themes and watch as the juniors battle it out in the famous
Investment Battlefield

Mining company directory
Review every participating mining company ahead of your meetings so you know exactly what their investment goals are and how you can help

Return on time
No ineffective meetings – we’ll only connect you to capital holders with an interest in your project, saving you time and effort
Competitivly priced delegate places: £889