Weekly News Round-Up

21 May 2020 | Market News

A round-up of the top developments in African mining this week.

This week, Mining Weekly reported that the mining industry has started to become a significant corporate buyer of renewable energy in regions where these technologies have become reliable and cost-competitive when compared with fossil-fuel-based electricity.

Adapting to the “new normal”, Diamond major Alrosa has offered 800 rough diamonds to customers through its digital platform. Read more from Engineering news.

Reuters reported that Zambia’s state mining investment company ZCCM Investments Holdings has entered into a joint venture with mining services firm Array Metals to process production from a gold deposit in Mumbwa, west of Lusaka.

JSE-listed integrated resources group Tharisa PLC (LON:THS) reported a jump in first-half profits of 72% YoY, helped by a sharp increase in platinum group metal prices. Read more from Proactive Investor.

African Gold Group, Inc. (TSX-V: AGG) announced an accelerated construction development timeline for its fully licensed Kobada project in Southern Mali. Read more.

Finally, South Africa’s Chief Inspector of Mines, David Msiza, with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy issued guidelines for employers to prepare and implement codes of practice to mitigate and manage the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak on the health and safety of employees in the South African Mining Industry. Read more.

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