Weekly News Round-Up

08 Jan 2021 | Market News

Find out what's happened during the first week of January within the mining sector, carefully curated by the #MiningIndaba team

To kick the new year off in style, Mining Indaba announced His Excellency, Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa has confirmed to deliver the presidential keynote address at the upcoming Mining Indaba Virtual. Read the full press release.

South Africa’s stock index rose for the fifth day and headed for a third consecutive record close, as mining stocks benefited from hopes for U.S. economic stimulus, reported by Bloomberg.

Rapper and R&B singer Akon signs deal to finance copper and cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), according to a contract published by the mines industry. Read the full article from Resource Global Network.

Why gold mining stocks outperform gold in bull markets? Gold mining stocks are up more than 182%, more than doubling gold bullion’s 78% returns. The outperformance in bull markets is largely due to how gold mining companies use their operating leverage, resulting in their share prices. Read more.

Disputes against governments under investment treaties: a growing trend in the mining industry in 2020. Read the report from Hogan Lovells.

Australia’s ranger uranium mine ceases production in the country’s Northern Territory after 40 years of operations. The company has announced it will move to the rehabilitation phase of the area, costing about A$808 million. Read the full article.

Miningmx.com reported Zambia’s state-appointed provisional liquidator managing the affairs of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) said he would proceed with the dismantling of the company and sale of its assets.

ASX-listed Firefinch Ltd (formerly known as Mali Lithium) announced a strong production performance in the last quarter of 2020 from its Morila Mine in Mali. Read the full article.

African Gold Group announces multiple broad high-grade gold intersects near the surface at Kobada gold project, including 38.20 g/t Au. Find out more.

Despite 2020 being a difficult year, investment company Critical Metals has announced its ready to drive its strategy forward and closing in on potential investment opportunities in Africa. Read more.

This week Mining Review Africa collated the top legal issues for the South Africa mining sector in 2021. Adopting lessons from responses to the pandemic to risk management and continuing to build a culture of sustainability and managing the risks of environmental pollution. Read more.

As the gold market rockets, there’s only a matter of time before prices push past their all-time highs above $2,000 an ounce, expecting mining equities to attract a lot of new investor interest, reports Kitco News.

China is reportedly planning to build at least two globally significant overseas iron ore mines by 2025 to boost supply. Part of the country’s plans to boost the metal’s supply increases its price capacity reported Mining Technology.

Goldman Sachs predicts dawn of a post-covid-19 commodities supercycle, reported Resource Global Network.
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