Five reasons to attend the brand-new General Counsel Forum

13 Jan 2020 | Event News

A legal Indaba

The nature of African mining requires companies to understand and navigate complex, constantly evolving legal environments. Legal teams and stakeholders need stay ahead of the changes in order to capitalise on resource opportunities.

Pan African legal issues can range from local community and employment matters to global compliance obligations. With this in mind, Mining Indaba has introduced a brand-new stream, The General Counsel Forum – A Legal Indaba, in partnership with Africa Legal.

Five reasons to attend the General Counsel Forum:

1. Unique platform for law firms and in-house legal teams to network with each other

2. Offers opportunities for operators and international law firms to come together to widen their industry knowledge and develop partnerships

3. Dedicated to tackling key regional and global legal issues in the mining sector, with three key panel discussions: risk, growth and sustainability
  • Risk: focused on building a culture of compliance across multiple organisational levels and departments, embracing technology to drive risk management and reinforcing the collective responsibility of risk management.
  • Growth: considers the increasing expectations placed on the mining General Council to effectively explain and manage African legal developments and increasing global regulation and sustainability goals.
  • Sustainibility: perceptions of General Counsel’s role in coordinating sustainable mining:
    • managing local vendor relationships
    • beyond problem-solving into strategy
    • unlocking the value of environmental social governance
4. A range of industry-specific discussion topics on a broad range of subjects, ranging from land rights issues to climate change: the legal framework of liability, insurance and sustainability

5. Hear from some of the biggest names in Africa’s mining and legal sectors, and in turn position yourself as a though leader

Please join us on Thursday 6th February at the General Counsel Forum for an opportunity to connect and widen our industry knowledge on Pan African legal issues in our industry.
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