DMRE provides update on the S.A. mining industry

09 Jul 2021 | Market News

Progress is made to emerge from Covid-19

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy calls on the mining industry to enforce the 2020 Mandatory Guidelines on the mitigation and management of the Covid-19 pandemic. Maximum adherence to these guidelines and the Mine Health and Safety Act ought to always be prioritised by all stakeholders involved in the sector.  

Though the country has moved to Adjusted Alert Level 4, the mining and energy sectors remain operational. This is in line with government’s approach to saving lives whilst protecting livelihoods. Whereas discussions are underway to ensure that all persons in our sectors receive the Covid-19 vaccination jabs, we must continue with the programme of vigorously screening and testing of persons at our operations.      

Government’s vaccination programme of persons aged 60 years and above is well underway across all Provinces. Furthermore, registration for vaccination of persons aged 50 years and above has also been opened, with the vaccination programme expected to start on the 15th of July 2021. We urge all person’s in the sector who are eligible to register and receive the vaccine jabs to do so without delay.

To date the total number of Covid-19 tests conducted in the mining sector stands at 166 215, with total positive cases confirmed at 38 372. The sector has recorded 36 700 recoveries, marking a 96 percent recovery rate.  There are 1 228 active cases. Unfortunately, 444 people in the mining sector have lost their lives due to Covid-19 complications. We send our heartfelt condolences to the families, friends, and colleagues of those who have departed. We also would like to convey our well wishes to those who tested positive and are currently battling the virus. 

We would like to remind all stakeholders in the sector that vaccination does not preclude us from continuing to observe all the well-established non-pharmaceutical interventions including wearing a mask, regularly washing, and sanitizing our hands, keeping a safe physical distance from others, and staying at home if/when necessary.   

We welcome the quarterly labour statistics announcement by Statistics South Africa which indicate that the mining sector recorded 5 000 new full-time employment in the first quarter of 2021. This follows the positive contribution of the mining sector to the Gross Domestic Product in the first quarter of 2021, wherein the sector recorded 18.1% growth, contributing 1.2% to the overall 4.6% seasonally adjusted and annualised GDP.

The Department continues to engage with all stakeholders in the mining sector on matters related to the prevention and mitigation of Covid-19. We believe that the integrated and collaborative effort by all stakeholders and adherence to all health protocols will help to reduce the spread of the virus and flatten the curve of infections.

The DMRE’s inspectors continue to monitor compliance in the sector through regular inspections and audits. Where there is non-compliance to the regulations, and a threat to the health and safety of persons at mines, the Department will not hesitate to issue instructions as guided by the Mine Health and Safety Act.
“Working together, we can do much better going forward.”
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